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Other gopis immediately fainted due to separation from Krishna. The gopis prayed to the demigods to create some natural disturbance, such as a hurricane, storm or heavy rainfall, so that Krishna could not go to Mathura.
They the gopis began to consider, "Despite our parents and guardians, we shall personally stop Krishna from going to Mathura. We have no alternative but to take this direct action. Everyone has gone against us to take away Krishna from our sight. Without Him we cannot live for a moment."
The gopis thus decided to obstruct the passage through which the chariot of Krishna was supposed to pass. The gopis cried all night before the departure of Krishna.
As soon as the sun rose, Akrura finished his morning bath, got on the chariot and started for Mathura with Krishna and Balarama. In spite of Krishna's asking the gopis not to obstruct their way, they all surrounded the chariot and stood up to see Krishna with pitiable eyes.
Krishna was very much affected upon seeing the plight of the gopis, but His duty was to start for Mathura, for this was foretold by Narada. Krishna, therefore, consoled the gopis. He told them that they should not be aggrieved: He was coming back very soon after finishing His business.
But the gopis could not be persuaded to disperse. The chariot, however, began to head west, and as it proceeded, the minds of the gopis followed it as far as possible. They watched the flag on the chariot as long as it was visible; finally they could see only the dust of the chariot in the distance.
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