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As the age of Kali (the present age) draws to an end, the earth will become crowded with corrupt people. Whoever among them shows himself to be the strongest will gain political power. Losing their wives and properties to such avaricious and merciless rulers, who will behave no better than ordinary thieves, the citizens will flee to the mountains and forests.
Harassed by famine and excessive taxes, people will resort to eating leaves, roots, flesh, wild honey, fruits, flowers, and seeds. Tormented by drought, they will become completely ruined. They will suffer greatly from excessive cold, wind, heat, rain, and snow. They will be further distressed by quarrels, hunger, thirst, disease, and severe anxiety. The maximum duration of life will be fifty years. Religious principles will be ruined, and the general populace will mostly engage in stealing, lying, and needless violence.
At that time the Supreme Personality of Godhead will appear on the earth as Lord Kalki in the home ofthe most eminent brahmana of Sambhala village, the great soul Visnuyasa.
Acting with the power of pure spiritual goodness, Lord Kalki will rescue eternal religion. He will mount His swift white horse Devadatta and, sword in hand, travel over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic opulences and eight special qualities ofGodhead.
Riding with great speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who have dared dress as kings. After all the impostor kings have been killed, the residents of the cities and towns will feel the breezes carrying the most sacred fragrance of the sandalwood paste and ocher decorations of Lord Kalki, and their minds will thereby become transcendentally pure.
After the Lord's advent as Kalki, the maintainer of religion, the golden age of Satya-yuga will begin, and human society will bring forth progeny in the mode of goodness.
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