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In ancient times the chief progenitor, Daksa, arranged to perform a great sacrifice. At the time he invited all the demigods and great sages except Shiva. Because Shiva is in charge of the mode of ignorance, his appearance and activities contradict the accepted norm of gentile society, and therefore Daksa did not invite him. This was a great offense and spiritual transgression, because Shiva is in fact always detached and unaffected by his so-called association with the mode of ignorance.
Unfortunately, Daksa could not understand this, although his daughter, who was married to Shiva, did. Seeing that all the demigods and sages were on their way to the sacrifice, she approached Shiva and said: "My dear Lord Shiva, your father-in-law is now executing great sacrifices, and all the demigods, having been invited by him, are going there. If you desire, we may also go. I think that all my sisters must have gone to this great sacrificial ceremony with their husbands just to see their relatives. I also desire to decorate myself with the ornaments given to me by my father and go there with you to participate in that assembly.
How can the daughter remain undisturbed when she hears that some festive event is taking place in her father's house? Even though I have not been invited, there is no harm if one goes to the house of one's friend, husband, spiritual master, or father without invitation. Therefore please grant me this request.
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