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"O Krishna, the sweetness of Your lotus eyes entraps the swan of the heart of Radha, the crown of Vraja's young girls. O Radha, the nest of Your sidelong glances expertly catches the regal fish of the heart of Krishna, the Prince of Vraja."
When Srila Prabhupada visted Seattle, a TV news program showed Lord Jagannatha and footage of Srila Prabhupada playing a harmonium and singing with his dancing disciples. During his visit he sang and explained a Bengali song that says: "When the mind is purified, freed from material existence, then I shall be able to understand the love of Radha and Krishna."
In Seattle, in 1968, Srila Prabhupada first sang the Gaura-arati song. The lyrics go: "All glories to Lord Caitanya's beautiful arati ceremony being performed in a grove on the bank of the Ganges. Beside Lord Caitanya stand Lord Nityananda and Sri Gadadhara; nearby stand Sri Advaita and Srivasa Thakura.
"Lord Caitanya sits on a throne, and demigods headed by Brahma worship Him. Devotees sing sweetly. Conches, bells, and cymbals resound as drums play, and the music is supremely relishable. Thus Thakura Bhaktivinoda, this song's author, envisions the glory of Lrod Sri Caitanya."
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