Dumb The Donkey who wanted to become a Tiger (Children\'s Story Book)
Dumb The Donkey who wanted to become a Tiger (Children\'s Story Book)Dumb The Donkey who wanted to become a Tiger (Children\'s Story Book)Dumb The Donkey who wanted to become a Tiger (Children\'s Story Book)Dumb The Donkey who wanted to become a Tiger (Children\'s Story Book)Dumb The Donkey who wanted to become a Tiger (Children\'s Story Book)Dumb The Donkey who wanted to become a Tiger (Children\'s Story Book)

Dumb The Donkey who wanted to become a Tiger (Children's Story Book)
Written by Gandhari Devi Dasi, Illustrations by Vijaya Govinda das

 Rs.114  Rs.88 

About this item

This is the story of "Dumb," the donkey who wanted to avoid a life of carrying heavy loads by becoming a tiger... Is that possible? Our story begins in a little hamlet near Prayag. The washerman came every day to wash clothes in the Ganga. Dumb always carried a big load of clothes for him.

Author: Written by Gandhari Devi Dasi, Illustrations by Vijaya Govinda das
Format: 5" x 8"
Pages: 31
ISBN: 81-89564-14-8
Product Weight: 0.200 lbs
  • Buy now : Rs.88 

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