Harinam Chadar Jute - Traditional Style Harinam Chadar Jute - Traditional StyleHarinam Chadar Jute - Traditional StyleHarinam Chadar Jute - Traditional StyleHarinam Chadar Jute - Traditional StyleHarinam Chadar Jute - Traditional StyleHarinam Chadar Jute - Traditional Style
Harinam Chadar Jute - Traditional Style

Harinam Chadar Jute - Traditional Style

 Rs.270  Rs.208 
jute traditional

About this item

Traditional Hari-Nama Chadar in Jute cotton. Jute is a softer material than normal cotton and is preferred by some devotees. This is a chadar / shawl which has the Hare Krishna maha mantra written on it in the Sanskrit Devanagri Language. Harinama Chadars are traditionally worn by devotees of Krishna when they perform Harinam Sankirtan or the public chanting of the Hare Krishna maha mantra. They are very auspicious as they contain the Lord's holy name and can be worn at any time. Hari Nama chadars are available in the traditional orange color and also in white.

Product Weight: 0.300 lbs
  • Buy now : Rs.208 

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  • Ship from : Krishna store

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