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During the Satya yuga there live a king Indradyumna of the Malva dynasty. He was a great devotee of Lord Visnu and had always desired to see the Lord.
Once, a brahmin visited him and informed him about Purushottama Kshetra--a sacred place.
The brahmin further described that in this sacred place, a beautiful form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead--Vasudev is worshipped. The Deity resides on the top of a dark-blue mountain named Nilachal which is surrounded by dense forest. One who takes darshan of this deity gets liberated.
Hearing this the king was elated and summoned all his best men. Among them he selected a brahmin named Vidyapathi. This brahmin was to explore the place and find more about Nilamadava.
Vidyapati was extremely excited and delighted. He was so much lost in the devotion and thought of the Lord that he never felt hungrey and thirsty all through the journey.
After crossing river Mahanadi, Vidyapati met a Sabar (tribal) named Viswabasu. Viswabasu was returning how after worshipping Nila-Madhava. His body emitted divine fragrance and this surprised Vidyapati.
The tribal Viswabasu inquired more about Vidyapati. Later he invited him to his place and offered prasada. However Vidyapati was reluctant to accept anything until and unless he sees Lord Nila-Madhava.
Viswabasu was hesitant to show the place to Vidyapati. At last he was convinced and led Vidyapati into the dark forest towards the top of the mountain. After a night long walk they reached Nilachal dham in the morning.
The deity of the Supreme Lord was enthroned in a grove. Vidyapati reushed towards the deity in ecstasy and offered his obeisances. He prayed for His mercy and was thankful to be fortunate to have His darshan.
Later they returned to the house of Viswabasu. Vidyapati was offered varieties of prasada and wanted to know from where did Viswabasu get all those. Then the Sabara explained that this prasada was offered by the demigods headed by Indra to Lord Nila-Madhava who visited Nilachal dham every day.
Vidyapati then expressed the desire of King Indradyumna to build a beautiful temple for the Lord. After a few days of stay he left for Avantipura. All through his journey he meditated on Lord Nila Madhava!
When Vidyapati returned he presented King Indradyumna prasada -- a fresh garland of Sri Nila Madhava. Receiving this the king was ecstatic and prayed to the Lord. Everyone surrounded there were relishing the sight of the king's pure love for Lord Vishnu....
This book is based on the teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.